Executive Meeting, Jan 29, 2017 Decisions
Executive Meeting, Jan 29, 2017 Decisions
1. Prize Money
Matric ( PSEB Exam )
First in SchooL : Rs. 2500.00, Second: Rs. 2100.00, Merit List (85% or above ): Rs. 2000.00
All streams combined ( PSEB )
First in School : Rs. 3100.00, Second: Rs. 2500.00, Merit List (80% or above ): Rs. 2100.00
State Level Achievement ( academic & sports in PSEB OR Pb. Govt. competitions)
First( Individual ): Rs. 4100.00 Second ( Individual ) : Rs. 3100.00
First ( Group ) : Rs. 7100.00 Second ( Group ) : Rs. 5100.00
National Level Achievement ( academic & sports in PSEB OR Pb. Govt. competitions)
First( Individual ): Rs. 5100.00 Second ( Individual ) : Rs. 4100.00
First ( Group ) : Rs. 11000.00 Second ( Group ) : Rs. 7100.00
* Prize money excludes trophy
2. Memorial Cup :
Members can reserve academic or sports Trophy by giving $100.00 every year.
S. Karnail Singh Fresno reserved Matric Cup in the loving memory of his parents.
3. Set up Wi-Fi Computer Lab.
Wi Fi computer Lab is proposed to set up with the coloboration of Gurdwara Committee.
4. Desrving Student Study Help
Rs. 30,000.00 has been reserved for above said pupose( annual)